Seeking Alpha
2022-06-06 15:33:05

Gap launches two new NFT partnerships

The Gap Inc. (NYSE:GPS) is furthering its commitment to NFT experimentation on Monday. The retailer revealed it is entering partnerships with former MLS soccer player and artist Demit Omphroy and “petaverse game” DOGAMÍ for NFTs. The new deals build upon experiments the retailer has made since the start of 2022, continuing despite flagging NFT sales overall. “Partnering with unique artists and creators is a cornerstone of our NFT program,” Chief Product Officer Chris Goble said. “We are thrilled to collaborate with Demit and to create this vibrant collection of NFTs and product that amplifies his voice and represents his distinct individual style.” Sales will kick off on Tuesday, wherein “common” NFTs will be available, followed by “drops” of the “rare” and “epic” level items on June 9 and June 14, respectively. Also, a custom hand-painted Gap denim jacket by Demit will be auctioned off on June 15. For the “petaverse”

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