2022-08-25 07:30:04

Co-CEO Sam Trabucco Leaves Alameda Research

Sam Trabucco, the co-CEO of Alameda Research, in a Twitter thread, decided to step down from his role on Wednesday. Trabucco said co-CEO Caroline Ellison would take over as the sole CEO, and he would continue to serve as an adviser. Sam Bankman-Fried, the creator of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange, founded the quantitative trading firm Alameda Research in 2017. Purpose of Resignation After months of decreasing his company responsibilities, he announced his departure on Twitter in a lengthy post “On Happiness.” Burnout appears to be the primary reason for the executive’s resignation, as his bio on Alameda’s website mentions that he devotes “too much time to Twitter.” His promotion to co-CEO came after working nearly two years as a trader in the firm. On happiness: — Sam Trabucco (@AlamedaTrabucco) August 24, 2022 After serving as a trader at Alameda Research since 2019, Trabucco received the post in August 2021. He received his degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2015, one year after Bankman-Fried. Before being employed by Alameda Research, he was a trader for Susquehanna International Group. Forbes Magazine Featured Trabucco Trabucco noted that, while serving as Alameda Research’s co-leader, he had decreased his involvement in the organization during the last several months and would no longer maintain “a significant day-to-day presence.” He was featured on Forbes magazine’s 30 Under 30 list. Trabucco said...

Hankige Crypto uudiskiri
Loe lahtiütlusest : Kogu meie veebisaidi, hüperlingitud saitide, seotud rakenduste, foorumite, ajaveebide, sotsiaalmeediakontode ja muude platvormide ("Sait") siin esitatud sisu on mõeldud ainult teie üldiseks teabeks, mis on hangitud kolmandate isikute allikatest. Me ei anna meie sisu osas mingeid garantiisid, sealhulgas täpsust ja ajakohastust, kuid mitte ainult. Ükski meie poolt pakutava sisu osa ei kujuta endast finantsnõustamist, õigusnõustamist ega muud nõustamist, mis on mõeldud teie konkreetseks toetumiseks mis tahes eesmärgil. Mis tahes kasutamine või sõltuvus meie sisust on ainuüksi omal vastutusel ja omal äranägemisel. Enne nende kasutamist peate oma teadustööd läbi viima, analüüsima ja kontrollima oma sisu. Kauplemine on väga riskantne tegevus, mis võib põhjustada suuri kahjusid, palun konsulteerige enne oma otsuse langetamist oma finantsnõustajaga. Meie saidi sisu ei tohi olla pakkumine ega pakkumine