P2B cryptocurrency trading platform, formanly operating under the name "P2PB2B", was founded in 2018. With a goal of efficiently providing more then a platform focused exclusively on trading activies, P2B Exchange finds it highly imporant to be a trusted partner in the development of new cryptocurrencies. Thus, actively participating in pefrecting the cryptofield in a broader sence. Their P2B Crypto Startup Partner initiative provides trading consulting, and helps clients to develop their community, support liquidity and create growth strategies. P2B runs token sales of crypto assets they deem promising, enabling users to easily invest in new currencies, additionally providing available services for users such as the earning deposit program, regular gamification events - airdrop, trading competitions, referral program games and more.The platform is compliant with OWASP TOP 10 security requirements, with CER ratings placing them with the best currenly active exchanges regarding matters such as Trust Core security. P2B aims at utilizing high processing speed with the ability to handle up to 10,000 trades per second, scaling to 1,000,000 TCP connections, while simultaneously wokring on constant improvement of the KYC identity verification process such as leveraging AI-powered technology which speeds up the authentication process, backed by Live support as they concider it an essential advantage for users. Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | Reddit.

Portafoglio ordini


Trading Fee: 0.2% Trading fees vary due to users trading levels, which are calculated on a daily basis. Level: Trading Volume (30d in BTC) and/or PACT Balance | taker / maker LVL 0: ? 0 or ? 0 | 0.2% / 0.2% LVL 1: ? 1 or ? 150 | 0.19% / 0.18% LVL 2: ? 5 or ? 300 | 0.18% / 0.16% LVL 3: ? 10 and ? 600 | 0.17% / 0.14% LVL 4: ? 25 and ? 900 | 0.16% / 0.12% LVL 5: ? 75 and ? 1800 |0.15% / 0.1% LVL 6: ? 100 and ? 3200 | 0.14% / 0.08% LVL 7: ? 150 and ? 6400 | 0.13% / 0.06% LVL 8: ? 300 and ? 9600 | 0.12% / 0.04% LVL 9: ? 450 and ? 19200 | 0.11% / 0.02% LVL 10: ? 500 and ? 38000 | 0.1% / 0.01% In order to access the P2PB2B fees details, please click <a href="https://p2pb2b.io/fee-schedule/" target="_blank">here</a>.



Indirizzo completo

P2PB2B Finance Partida Services OÜ. Laki 30, 12915, Tallinn

Scambi correlati

Un elenco di scambi correlati. Il seguente elenco contiene i principali scambi crittografici che supportano Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, XRP e altre famose monete alt. Inoltre, questo elenco fornisce una panoramica della panoramica per indicare quali scambi sono migliori per il trading attivo.

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