2022-03-18 21:04:10

Could Algorand be the Future of Blockchain?

What is the future of blockchain and cryptocurrency? That’s one of the most common questions on the minds of many crypto investors or enthusiasts. While many believe Bitcoin will become the world’s reserve currency, others predict privacy coins like Zcash will take over. But there may be another contender who could be one of the biggest blockchain technology breakthroughs. That is Algorand, an innovative platform based on proof-of-stake algorithm and security deposits. A Review of Smart Contracts What is a smart contract, really? It is a computer program that controls financial assets or property and executes exactly as programmed. It’s to digitally facilitate, verify or enforce negotiation or performance of an agreement. So, there is no need for a third party (like a bank). Essentially, the intention is to replace trust in humans with trust in code. But what does that actually mean for you and me in practice? How will smart contracts change everything for blockchain technology? How do we decide which ones are best for our own needs—whatever they may be? Let’s take a closer look at some potential use cases of blockchains when it comes to smart contracts. ​ One of the most useful applications of smart contracts in decentralized file storage. For example, suppose someone wants to store data on IPFS but can only commit small amounts of money at a time due to constraints set by their employer or university. A simple algorithmic sc...

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