2022-01-14 17:00:05

Bridge your Crypto Tokens to Different Blockchains using ChainPort’s Permissionless Protocol

One major issue the crypto space has faced for a long time now is the issue of interoperability. This however is beginning to be a non-issue as solutions pop up every day in this fast-moving industry of ours. One of these solutions I’ve been impressed with is that of ChainPort and I’d be talking about them in this article. ChainPort ChainPort is a permissionless crypto bridge that lets its users port any crypto token to different blockchains like Polygon, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Ethereum. ChainPort plans to support all EVM compatible networks. This is detailed on the Roadmap. This ability to transfer tokens to different blockchains enables anyone to make any token blockchain agnostic by carrying out a few simple clicks. ChainPort works in three simple steps: You deposit tokens You mint them on your target chain And then they are ready to use on Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs) ChainPort Features and Benefits Permissionless — Users can port their tokens between blockchains and boldly trade across the cryptoverse without intervention or limitations. Simple UX — ChainPort’s porting interface and experience is as user-friendly and simple as it can get. Embeddable — ChainPort provides a direct link that is connected to the token pair and blockchain of users. This way, it’s easy to have a bridge to the bridge and it’s easier for the community of the user. Full Interoperability — ChainPort boasts of a full cross-chain ...

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