2022-04-20 16:30:45

The CEO Of Ripple Says Bitcoin Tribalism Is Holding Back The Crypto Industry

As one of the most influential people in the crypto space, the CEO of Ripple says he owns Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. But to him, only promoting Bitcoin will stop industry growth. As a result, the crypto industry could potentially lose millions for miners with less incentive than before if nothing changes soon. At the CNBC event, Brad Garlinghouse, CEO and founder of Ripple, recently said that the tribalism around Bitcoin and other digital currencies has been holding back the industry’s growth. Related Reading | Could Netflix Tumble Down The Crypto Market? “It is not good when people in the cryptocurrency space are divided into tribes,” said Garlinghouse at a CNBC-hosted fireside chat last week at the Paris Blockchain Week Summit, in an interview that was published today on CNBC. When asked about his thoughts on XRP, Garlinghouse shared that he is indeed invested in other notable digital currencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum — despite being charged by the SEC for playing an integral role in the $1.3 billion sales of unregistered securities offerings. Garlinghouse said, “I own bitcoin, I own Ether, I own some others. I am an absolute believer that this industry is going to continue to thrive.” “All boats can rise,” says Garlinghouse. “Adopting other digital currencies, we see this as an opportunity for growth and adoption outside of XRP.” Ripple CEO On Industry Growth When asked about investors ...

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