2022-01-19 13:20:55

Bitcoin ATMs Shut Down In Singapore After MAS Curbs Crypto Advertising

Financial service regulator – Monetary Authority of Singapore has issued fresh guidelines to limit crypto trading by the public. It has also taken a firm stance and asked cryptocurrency companies to eschew advertising or showcasing their products to the general public. MAS substantiated their decision by stating reasons which were purely risk-oriented. The guideline stated and clarified that Digital Payment Token service providers “should not portray the trading of DPTs cryptocurrencies in a manner that trivializes the high risks of trading in DPTs, and should not promote their DPT services in public areas in Singapore or through any other media directed at the general public in Singapore”. “Highly Risky And Not Suitable For The General Public” The Central Bank affirmed that such services are “highly risky and not suitable for the general public”. It implied that the broadcasting of cryptocurrency through traditional media such as newspapers and magazines must also cease to exist. On Tuesday, MAS declared that it would be outlawing crypto-to-cash terminals, thus, sealing all crypto ATMs in Singapore. Daenerys & Co, which is one of the biggest crypto ATM operators with five crypto ATMs spread across the city had acted in accordance with the guidelines. Another rival ATM operator, Deodi also complied with the Central Bank’s order and ceased its only ATM. Related Reading | Intel To Pre...

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