2022-05-05 13:37:47

PLC Ultima: From Almost Zero to Crypto Hero

When PLC Ultima (PLCU) launched in 2021, who could have predicted this new coin would go on to become one of the world’s most valuable cryptocurrencies with a community of more than one million people across 120 countries around the globe. Moreover, the speed at which PLCU grew its community and attained this valuation is particularly impressive. Within six months of its launch, PLCU had matched the world’s best-known cryptocurrency and in less than a year, sprinted past the leading Bitcoin to become more than twice its value. How PLCU managed to achieve all this was no accident or result of a clever marketing campaign that went viral. PLC Ultima’s incredible success is down to its founder, Alex Reinhardt, choosing to take a very different approach to the hundreds of other crypto projects that launch every year. The road to success The technology behind PLCU is based on infrastructure that was developed in Switzerland approximately five years ago. The company’s developers used this infrastructure to build a bespoke platform and developed more than ten innovative crypto products in line with the company’s vision. Unlike the majority of coins available to buy, PLCU wasn’t created to be an investment vehicle that a trader purchases, sits on and waits for its value to increase. This coin was created to be used, and the vision and business model behind it are quite different from anything else ou...

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