Cryptocurrency exchanges serve as the link between cryptocurrency projects and their investors. With about 19339 cryptocurrencies under the process of trading, there were 534 cryptocurrency exchanges listed on CoinMarketCap at the time of writing. Due to the high volatility of the Cryptocurrency market, investors and traders can either bear loss or profit. However, cryptocurrencies mostly keep a positive annual revenue. Some of the reasons for the positive annual revenue by these exchanges include: Revenue from listing fee Gain from trading and withdrawal Revenue from listing fees In the tokenomics of different projects, there is always some volume of the coins set aside for marketing and listing purposes. Listed projects on some top cryptocurrency exchanges cost millions of dollars after they have been checked for validity. This is one of the reasons why Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin was unhappy with the development in one of the Techcrunch Conferences. At the time of writing, there were about 11 new cryptocurrencies that had been added to CoinMarketCap. In a year, there will be an addition of around 4015 cryptocurrencies to the market. Since there are about 1700 dead coins, about 90% of the coins will probably survive, considering if 19339 are in the market. If the top-ranked centralized exchanges in the sports trading list are just 1% of the Cryptocurrencies for $5 million each, we should have annual revenue of about ...