2022-05-25 08:06:53

ROAST is a Brand New Form of Multisig Created By Blockstream

Blockstream’s research division, which focuses on Bitcoin (BTC), has proposed a new sort of multisig standard dubbed Robust Asynchronous Schnorr Threshold Signatures (ROAST). #Blockstream #BlockstreamResearch Blockstream dreams up a whole new type of multisig called ROAST: In particular, ROAST has been posited as a signature standard that could work with, and improve,… | | — | Crypto and Forex News Aggregator (@eBargainsToday) May 25, 2022 It aims to eliminate transaction failures caused by absent or malicious signers and can operate at scale. The word multisig or multi-signature refers to a transaction that requires two or more signatures to be approved before it can be completed. In cryptography, the standard is frequently used. The primary idea of ROAST is to make transactions between the Bitcoin network and Blockstream’s sidechain Liquid more efficient, automated, safe, and private, according to blockstream research. ROAST has been proposed as a signature standard that might be used in conjunction with and to improve threshold signature methods such as FROST (Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold Signatures): “ROAST is a simple wrapper around threshold signature schemes like FROST. It guarantees that a quorum of honest signers, e.g., the Liquid functionaries, can always obtain a valid signature even in the...

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