2022-06-16 10:09:54

Binance Support For Neo (NEO) Network Upgrade

Binance, the world’s largest crypto exchange by trading volume, said today that it would support the Neo (NEO) N3 network upgrade and rigid fork. On June 19, the procedure will commence, and NEO deposits and withdrawals will be halted at 11:00 a.m. (UTC) on the same day. #Binance will support the Neo N3 $NEO network upgrade & hard fork. — Binance (@binance) June 16, 2022 Upgrade to the N3 Network On the Neo N3 block height of 1,730,000, the Neo N3 network upgrade and a hard fork will begin. The network enhancements will not affect NEO trading. Binance will handle all technical needs for Binance users with NEO accounts. The Neo (NEO) N3 network update and a hard fork will not create new tokens. Binance will reintroduce NEO deposits and withdrawals after the network has stabilized. MODMUL and MODPOW are two new operation codes (opcodes) that will be added as part of the upgrade, and the runtime will be improved. Users will be able to construct Multisig Accounts, the system will be more affordable, and storage key optimization and deserialization will be enhanced. Binance also supports Firo (FIRO) Network Upgrades. The upgrade will cut block duration from 5 to 2.5 minutes, but the inflation rate and maximum supply will remain the same. The goal of a community fund is to incorporate it into the distribution of FIRO block rewards. Neo (NEO) traded at $9.53 USD on CoinMarketCap, with a trading volume of $132,5...

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