2022-07-19 12:30:00

Cardano’s IOG Becomes Newest Member of AmCham Mongolia

Cardano’s Input-Output Global (IOG), formerly Input Output Hong Kong (IOHK), the research and development team behind the blockchain network, has become the newest member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Mongolia (AmCham). Only Blockchain Company to be Part of AmCham Mongolia The American Chamber of Commerce in Mongolia or AmCham Mongolia revealed that Cardano’s IOG is the newest member of its organization, the first of its kind for a blockchain company. “[AmCham Members] We are very excited to announce our newest member @InputOutputHK, a leading technology company committed to the highest principles of academic rigor and evidence-based software development,” the organization wrote in its tweet. IOHK also shared the achievement. Thank you for welcoming us. Looking forward! — Input Output (@InputOutputHK) July 19, 2022 Upon looking at the members’ page of the organization, we find that IOG is the only blockchain company to be a part of the organization. AmCham in Mongolia is an independent membership-driven organization that seeks to build, strengthen, and protect business between the United States and Mongolia. This initiative aims to promote Mongolia as a destination for American investment. to promote Mongolia as a destination for American investment. With the latest development, Cardano maintains its vision to rebuild the social and economic infrastructure of the African nations with blockchain...

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