2022-01-07 23:59:09

The SEC Files A Strike Against Ripple’s Defense. Could It Drown XRP?

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) made a surprise attack on the Ripple case by filing a letter of supplemental authority to strike Ripple’s “fair notice” defense. Simultaneously, the token XRP is down 2.33% in the last 24 hours to $0.7 following the market’s downtrend. The SEC’s Surprise Move As the popular SEC vs. Ripple case is expected to be resolved around April this year, the SEC has made a new move that left many wondering if previous expectations could change. The American regulator is using a winning move from another case to strike at Ripple’s key arguments. The SEC had taken John M Fife and five entities controlled by him to court in September 2020 for selling $21 billion of penny stocks and gaining a profit of $61 billion without registering as security dealers. FIFE’s defense adopted an argument similar to Ripple’s, alleging the SEC hadn’t given them a fair warning and the term “dealer” can be widely interpreted. Last month, the court denied this argument. What Does It Mean For The Ripple Case? Naturally, the regulator now aimed to use this denial to strike at Ripple’s “fair notice” key defense. Similarly, Ripple’s “fair notice” defense alleges the regulator failed to notify them about a possible violation of federal securities laws and claimed the term “investment contract” is being misused b...

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