2022-07-27 17:05:39

Dogecoin Seen Doubling In Price, Despite Shedding 10% In Last 7 Days

After everything is trading in red in the crypto space, Dogecoin price made a refreshing spike and may even more than double in price by the end of 2022, according to analysts’ long-term price forecast. Being the original and top meme token, Dogecoin is killing it in the crypto game. DOGE has seen a slight gain of 0.5% as seen in the past 24 hours. As of press time, DOGE is currently trading at $6.2. Dogecoin is currently the world’s 10th largest crypto in terms of market cap. It has a market capitalization of $8.3 billion which has declined by 2% from its all-time high of $73.8 on May 8, 2021. DOGE Seen To Wrap Up 2022 At $0.16 Forecast by 15 FinTech analysts revealed that DOGE price is said to grow twofold and could end 2022 at $0.16 which is a 158% jump compared to the meme coin’s current value. In comparison, DOGE ended 2021 at $0.17. Fred Schebesta, founder of Finder, maintains a bullish perspective for DOGE price. He forecasts that the meme coin will end 2022 trading at a range of $0.25 to $0.30. DOGE for Schebesta is unassailable and should never be undermined being the original meme coin. Suggested Reading | Cardano (ADA), After 35% Spike, Locks On Next Target: $0.55 According to Schebesta: “This shouldn’t be underestimated in the world of cryptocurrency where breaking traditional methods for identifying value is a cherished pastime. Investors can likely sit tight knowing that while there will be more, and o...

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