2022-07-29 12:39:56

Cardano (ADA) Vasil Hard Fork Delays One More Time

The Cardano (ADA) Vasil hard fork has been postponed one more time as developers working on the Cardano blockchain strive for a seamless network upgrade after failing to go live last month. The group in charge of Cardano’s research and development, Input Output Global (IOG), published a YouTube update on the impending Vasil hard fork on Thursday. Hammond said: “Obviously, from where we are, there could be a few more weeks before we go to the actual Vasil hard fork. […] This is incredibly important. All the users must be ready to progress through the hard fork to ensure a smooth process.” Upcoming Fork Hailed as a Game Changer As of the Cardano node version 1.35.2, Hammond noted that IOG has been concentrating on resolving several testnet difficulties. Stake pool managers, DApp creators, internal testing, and other issues discovered on the testnet are all fixed in the latest node version. The upcoming fork is hailed as a “game changer” in the growth of Cardano since it is anticipated to increase the network’s speed and scalability, making it better suited for smart contracts and DApps. Input Output published the Vasil hard fork plan in May 2022 with the initial goal of carrying the hard fork on the mainnet on June 29. Due to multiple “serious” issues, the hard fork was ultimately postponed until the last week of July. Vasil’s delay happens during the cryptocurrency community anticipating another important event for one of the l...

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