2022-07-30 01:00:53

Solana Appreciated After Latest Development, What Are The Next Trading Levels?

Solana soared in double digits over the last 48 hours. The coin touched the $43 mark before it started to retrace on its chart again. In the last 24 hours, SOL just lost 0.1% of it value and stuck to its bullish price action. Owing to its recent development, Solana has displayed a price rally. Technical outlook of SOL was also bullish at press time. The altcoin witnessed an increase in buying strength. This has been influential in driving the price up. Solana has opened up permanent retail space in Manhattan. These stores are specifically dedicated to all things related to cryptocurrencies. Solana Spaces, CEO Vibhu Norby also mentioned that these physical Solana retail stores have an intention to introduce approximately 100,000 people each month to the Solana ecosystem. He also hinted that there are possibilities to open a virtual storefront soon in the future. A grant from the Solana Foundation has helped the Solana Spaces to set up a shop in Hudson Yards New York. Solana Price Analysis: Four Hour Chart SOL was trading at $42 at the time of writing. The altcoin was finally able to break past the $40 price level. Overhead resistance for the coin stood at $47. SOL has struggled to move past that price zone for couple of weeks now. For Solana to continue its bullish momentum, it has to trade above the $43 price ceiling level for a substantial period of time. Nearest support line for the coin was at $40 and $38. If the coin loses...

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