2022-08-27 02:05:05

When The Crypto Bear Or Bull Period Will Start, Analyzing The Facts

August 26 is the long-awaited day for a critical shift in the crypto market price movements. At the end of today, the bears or the bulls will take over the market, although everyone hopes for a reversal of the bearish trend. Recall that the last announcement of inflation data didn’t push the market down. Instead, investors saw some price rallies. But from this week’s price movement, it’s evident that the recovery has subsided. Related Reading: Dogecoin Price Movement Thwarted By Sellers, What’s Next On Chart? But another movement might take place after the Federal Reserve annual meeting. The Federal Reserve Annual Meeting Every year, the Federal Reserve convenes a meeting with many economists. The host of this meeting is usually Jackson Hole, where the central bank lays down its annual economic agenda. The data on the US Personal Consumption Expenditure MoM will be revealed during the meeting today. This information is another critical inflation data that will disclose the nature of the crisis. In addition, this data will show whether people are spending more now or less, indicating a healthy or unhealthy economy. Apart from announcing the Personal Consumption Expenditure MoM, the crypto market is also worried about the plan of the Federal Reserve to curb inflation. Interested investors can watch Jerome Powel’s speech on the Kansas City Federal YouTube channel. Why Should Crypto Investors Be Worried? Re...

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