2022-09-23 21:02:58

Algorand (ALGO) Undermines Crypto Bloodbath, Adds Over 27% In A Week

This week has been eventful in the crypto market. Many cryptocurrencies have recorded massive losses since Monday, September 19. The Merge on September 15 kickstarted another downtrend for crypto prices. Afterward, CPI data made the feds hike the interest rate by 75 basis points, sending assets price downwards. Related Reading: Bitcoin aSOPR Profit-Loss Junction Continues To Act As Resistance But as these macroeconomic factors push many digital assets down, others resist the pressure and move forward instead. Algorand ALGO is one of these assets, recording price gains in its 24 hours movements. But BTC and ETH haven’t fared well. For instance, on September 20 and 21, Bitcoin lost its grip on $19K, falling to $18K. On September 22, BTC climbed again to $19K, an intraday high, and did not hold on to that level till press time. Currently, the BTC price is again bounced to $18,914, representing a 1.91% loss in 24 hours. Algorand’s ALGO Not Affected By Macros While many cryptocurrencies bleed, ALGO is recording positive price movements. Currently, the ALGO price is $0.3761 on TradingView, and CoinMarketCap shows a 2.48% growth in 24 hours while 27.98% in the last week. So far, ALGO price movements are all green, as seen in the chart above. The coin started an upward climb since the close of the market on September 17. It jumped from $0.2973 to $0.3109 the same day. On September 18, ALGO lost some of its gains to close the mar...

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