2022-10-14 23:00:40

Why You Should Start Paying Attention To Football Fan Tokens

Fan tokens are becoming increasingly popular among cryptocurrency investors. They are an offshoot of the meme coin trend that saw various cryptocurrencies rally positively and now, these fan tokens have begun a trend of their own. The year 2022 is almost at its end but there are still good reasons why these fan tokens are a good thing to keep an eye on. Why Football Fan Tokens? Football fan tokens have taken the crypto market by storm over the past year. Coins like the Manchester City Fan Token and the Santos FC Fan Token have performed tremendously well, exceeding all expectations. But even though they have already grown so much, there may be more upside for these fan tokens. Related Reading: Why Crypto Market Sentiment May Present A Unique Buying Opportunity One of the major reasons behind the renewed interest in fan tokens is the upcoming FIFA World Cup. This is argued by some to be the biggest sports competition in the world where the official football clubs of different countries compete for the title. A large portion of the world’s population also tunes in for the competition. The FIFA World Cup 2018 held in Russia saw a total of 3.5 billion viewers around the world, and this year’s edition of the competition held in Qatar is expected to draw in an estimated 5 billion viewers. The sheer number of people tuning in to support their favorite clubs is a bull case for the digital assets. A good number of them are expected to ...

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