Seeking Alpha
2022-10-29 04:56:48

Quant: The New Crypto Darling

SummaryQuant is a blockchain OS that aims to connect any and all blockchains.The coin has enjoyed a bullish run, recently breaking into the top 30 by market cap.Quant is still relatively new in the scene, but holds a lot of potential.OverviewQuant (QNT-USD) was founded in 2015 by Gilbert Verdian with the vision of creating a fully interoperable blockchain environment. A lot of blockchains cannot operate with each other, which stands in the way of innovation. Quant is essentially a blockchain Operating System. The software connects different blockchain networks through its Overledger OS.In theory, this technology has the potential to create a completely integrated blockchain ecosystem. The lack of interoperability between blockchains has been one of the major obstacles to the fast adoption of crypto, NFTs, the metaverse and all imaginable systems and applications that can be built in Web3.Quant will also facilitate the transfer of value among different Distributed Layer Technologies (DLTs). With the technology Quant is building, organizations will be able to orchestrate transactions between different authorized DLTs.Quant's Interoperability Vision and the Overledger Operation SystemQuant aims to become the go-to protocol of Web3 just like TCP/IP became the protocol standard for inter-networking on the Internet. TCP/IP stands for Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol; the invention of TCP/IP allowed siloed sections of ...

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