2022-01-13 12:13:39

When Art Meets Automobile

Since their inception, cars have captivated artists. Cars have been featured in studios and galleries worldwide as objects of love, hate, and even as a fetish. And, more often than not, this is because artists are self-proclaimed fans of the art they create. With Web3 being a powerhouse of revolution, art has taken a whole new direction. NFTs are the new canvases auctioned and sold off on digital marketplaces within seconds. Artists genuinely have a new way of expressing themselves, and the sky’s the limit. Traditional artists like Phillipe Pasqua have taken the NFT route with beautiful collections that have been sold out in seconds. Philippe Pasqua is a modern French painter, sculptor, and draughtsman recognized for his paintings, sculptures, and drawings. He is a self-taught artist well renowned for his Portrait paintings and is regarded as one of his generation’s greatest painters. Phillipe has had two collection drops on his website, both of which sold out in minutes. “Vanity by Philippe” was his debut collection, a collection of the most beautiful human skulls; it was an instant hit. Those are now very expensive, ranging from 3 to 7 ETH. The second collection was no exception—a magnificent combination of 8 rare numbered images of living butterflies landing on a human skull covered in paint, hence the name Papillon (French for “butterfly”). The collection took off with a floor price of 2...

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