2022-04-04 09:47:43

LINK Technical Analysis: The Target Of $29 Is A Big Question

40% per month. This is the result buyers were able to achieve during March 2022. If during the first half of the month there was still a struggle for a local reversal of the LINK price. Then in the second half of the month came the phase of successful implementation of this plan. However, the global situation on the LINK market has not changed. The price continues to move within the red wedge. the prospect of LINK price growth within this wedge is 15%. It is near the $20 mark that the fate of the next local price movement will be decided. In the last 3 trading weeks, the trading volumes during the LINK price growth is quite low. They are even a little lower usually. So far, buyers do not show the potential to break the current red wedge up. Therefore, the final target for which buyers could expect $29 is still in question. The low interest of buyers to buy LINK at the current price suggests that the price has not reached an interesting range for large investors. In this case, the failed attempt of buyers to break the mark of $20 will end in a new fall wave with the first target of $11. But, if we see that aggression during the fall will grow in direct proportion to the trading volumes – then the final target of the LINK fall may well be around $8. In the weekly timeframe, we see that buyers kept the price well at this point during August-December 2021. Though, for such a negative scenari...

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