2022-01-06 13:24:50

CGV Research: An Insight Into Top 3 Projects in the web3 Index Chart: Pocket Network, Arweave, and Livepeer

— By Vargason, CryptogramVenture FoF Research Fellow Before the rise of blockchain, Web3.0 can only stay in the concept stage due to the lack of solutions. With the development of blockchain technology, a number of Web3.0 related projects have emerged. According to the Web3 Index compiled by (a website that tracks protocol usage across the entire Web3 stack), in the past 30 days, the revenue and other comprehensive indexes of Pocket Network, Arweave, and Livepeer ranked among the top relative to other projects. Pocket Network is currently the Number 1 middleware, with its 30-day revenue more than 30 times that of Arweave. In November, the fees paid by developers increased by 208%. In the Web1.0 era, the transmission of information was one-way, without interaction on the user’s side. Web2.0 gave users the right to edit, use, and interact with information. However, privacy protection remained an issue, and the value of user participation wasn’t explored. Web3.0 broke large intermediary platforms’ monopoly that had resulted from Web2.0, transforming the platform-centered value distribution mode into one that allows each participant who creates value for the platform to have a share of the profit. Web3.0 cannot be built in the air. Before Web3.0 applications can be adopted on a large scale, the blockchain infrastructure must be improved. In this article, CryptogramVenture FoF (hereafter CGV Fo...

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