2022-01-15 12:30:22

Northwest Arkansas Offering $10,000 in Bitcoin to Lure Remote Tech Workers

The Northwest Arkansas Council, a non-profit organization, is offering $10,000 worth of Bitcoin to professionals who move to live in the region. Regarded as one of the top places to live in the United States due to its job opportunities and low cost of living, the region currently consists of merely 540,000 inhabitants. To lure tech professionals and entrepreneurs to settle in the area, the local authorities initially offered $10,000 cash but recently decided to add the option to accept the amount in bitcoin instead. However, they can still choose to accept the amount in cash if they prefer. “While we’ve had overwhelming interest in the initial incentive program, we’re continuing to seek out unique and in-demand talent in the STEAM and blockchain professions,” the website reads. Commenting on the development, the President and CEO of the Northwest Arkansas Council, Nelson Peacock, said: “We’re offering remote tech professionals and entrepreneurs $10,000 in bitcoin to bring your talents to the region. Why bitcoin? Northwest Arkansas is experiencing explosive growth in the tech sector, specifically within blockchain-enabled technologies, and this incentive embraces the growing trend of cryptocurrency as a payment option by employers.” To be eligible, applicants must relocate to Northwest Arkansas within six months of acceptance to the program and sign a one-year lease or buy a home. Furthermore, he/she/they must be at least 24 y...

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