2022-04-06 09:02:20

The Importance of High-Quality 3D Assets in GameFi

GameFi has an image problem – literally. If you look at the top games in the blockchain gaming space they provide a lot of variation in gameplay and tokenomics, but many share one central flaw: they just don’t look good. From the cutesy 2D monstrosities in Axie to the drab, dead-eyed, polygonal avatars of Decantraland, one clear image emerges: Graphics has taken a backseat in the priorities of crypto-based game developers. This shortcoming has dire consequences for an industry that is built around demand for its intangible assets and hampers these games’ opportunities for long-term growth. Thankfully, though, it also has opened a niche for more visionary and aesthetically driven projects to stake their claim in the blockchain gaming world. While most games brag about the utility of their NFTs, many seem content with the clipart style prevalent in Gamefi. Axie Infinity, undoubtedly the king of the blockchain gaming space has garnered over a million daily users and topped $4 billion in all time NFT sales according to TradingView. But even they are feeling the pressure. Recently, concerns with sustainability have driven the crypto gaming giant to shift focus towards improving gameplay and graphics. Other games are ahead of the curve when it comes to graphics. Project Hive for example, has truly raised the bar of graphic design and artistry in GameFi by putting it center stage. Focusing on creating high quality 3D digi...

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