2022-01-18 23:00:18

Bitcoin Millionaires Are Flocking To This North American Tax Haven. But What Do The Locals Think?

Bitcoin has made its own fair share of millionaires and with the recent bull rally, there is no doubt that this number went up drastically. This has led to a number of issues of investors who have made their money off the digital asset, the main one being taxes. A lot of these millionaires have begun to flee to places with less strict tax laws, as well as better weather conditions. Bitcoin Millionaires Flock To Puerto Rico A recent report from CNBC documents the movements of bitcoin millionaires towards Puerto Rico and its beautiful islands. The subject of the report, 36-year-old crypto entrepreneur and investor David Johnson, outlines why he moved himself and his entire family to the North American country. For the entrepreneur, the tropical paradise was a big push, as well as the tax breaks offered to those who spend at least 183 days on the island. Related Reading | Altcoins Are Encroaching On Bitcoin’s Dominance On Digital Payments Johnson also noted that the decision to move was also predicated on the fact that his friends had all moved to the same destination. The 36-year-old who lived in New York before the move said there weren’t any of his friends left in what is said to be one of the most expensive cities in the world as they had all moved to Puerto Rico. “That’s where all my friends are. I don’t have one friend left in New York, and maybe the pandemic accelerated this, but every single one of them has moved to ...

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