2022-05-04 13:38:01

How Scalable Quantum-Safe Blockchains Help Against Network Outages

The blockchain industry is at the forefront of innovation, with new ways to harness this secure distributed ledger technology in various areas of traditional business. A key feature of conventional blockchains is the ability of any entity to verify the integrity of the blockchain ledger by executing the same algorithm that was used to generate it. What are quantum-safe blockchains? Quantum computers will be able to execute algorithms significantly faster than classical computers, enabling them to break most cryptographic algorithms. Attackers with a quantum computer might be able to break into any system that uses today’s encryption algorithms and cannot evolve in time. The Post-Quantum Blockchain is the next step in blockchain technology, leveraging the power of post-quantum cryptography to ensure that data is stored securely and cannot be tampered with, so they can rely on the integrity and security of their data. In contrast to existing blockchains, which rely on the pre quantum RSA, post-quantum blockchain uses encryption algorithms like NewHope, NTRU, Frodo, SIDH that are more secure against current quantum computers. Why does the modern blockchain lack efficient infrastructure? While talking about the security of the blockchain we also have to look at the scalability of the blockchain in order to execute the smart contracts on it. Here comes the impossible trinity into play which says that every blockchain network ...

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