2022-05-17 22:30:44

The 5 Unexpected Ways Crypto Adoption May go Universal

The rate of adoption of cryptos has been growing at over 100% annually. That is faster than the internet adoption rate during its heydays in the 90s and early 2000s. Widespread global penetration has, however, proven to be quite elusive. Could people be courting the wrong ideas and expectations of how universal crypto adoption should occur? Could there be other unexpected ways in which universal adoption will be achieved? Read on to learn the five unexpected crypto adoption ways that make it go universal. Web 3.0 According to Worldbank data, the global internet penetration rate stood at 60% in 2020. The number of internet users has averaged a growth of 10% since 2005. All the current internet usage is based on the second generation of the worldwide web (Web 2.0), with all the current big tech firms. Web 3.0 can best be defined as the next evolution of the internet and the third generation of the world wide web. It aims to develop a more intelligent and better-connected browsing experience for users. It will employ machine-based deep learning of data based on concepts such as decentralization and token economics. In short, blockchain technology and crypto tokens based on Decentralized Finance will form the basic building blocks of how everyone browses the internet in the future. Universal crypto adoption can’t get any better defined than that. Bitcoin as a Global Reserve Currency As much as people see the US dollar as having be...

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