2022-05-21 19:30:19

How to Trade on WazirX Crypto Exchange

Whether you are a first-time investor or a professional trader, this deep insight into the crypto exchange is going to enhance your understanding of cryptocurrencies and trading and help you in taking the next step toward an intelligent investment. This article will guide you on registering on the WazirX crypto exchange and buying, selling, and trading the cryptocurrencies. With a special focus on the Indian cryptocurrency ecosystem, we will shed a light on the Indian cryptocurrency exchange WazirX. So, before moving on to understand how to trade on WazirX, let us explore what a cryptocurrency exchange is. What is a Cryptocurrency Exchange? Any platform that facilitates the buying, selling and trading of cryptocurrencies for digital and fiat currencies is called a cryptocurrency exchange. It works as an intermediary between buyer and seller. It is different from a cryptocurrency wallet. A cryptocurrency wallet allows an investor to store all their cryptocurrencies, while through a cryptocurrency exchange platform a user can buy or sell cryptocurrencies or convert fiat currency into digital currency. One such widely used trading platform in India is WazirX. Now that we know about cryptocurrency exchange, let us understand how to trade on WazirX. What is WazirX? Founded by Nischal Shetty and Siddharth Menon in 2017, WazirX is among India’s leading cryptocurrency exchange platforms. With over 10 million users, WazirX has emerged ...

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