2022-06-01 17:30:33

Legal Contradictions of Cryptocurrencies Across the Globe

The defining feature of cryptocurrencies is that they are not centralized and thus not subject to government restrictions. They are thus immune to manipulation and government interference. However, some concerns have been raised about the unregulated nature of cryptocurrencies, especially over the contradictions that arise over their legality across the globe. This article will discuss the legal contradictions that revolve around cryptocurrency usage around the globe. Contractual Contradictions Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology operate on self-executing smart contracts. A contract is a legal document that contains sets of promises agreed upon by the parties. They show the validity of a transaction. Smart contracts are, therefore, the digital format of these transactions that act as a basis on which parties fulfill their contractual obligations. Smart contacts ensure that the parties are paid immediately after performing their duties. Smart contracts are complex and inherently unique and thus do not fit into traditional orthodox contract law paradigms. There is no legislation or provisions that cater to some of the elements that pop up from these forms of contracts. Many states do not currently have any laws that govern the application of smart contracts or their validity. This may result in lengthy litigation measures as the courts try and interpret the scanty existing laws. Jurisdiction Contradictions The technology ...

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