2022-06-13 04:30:56

Marketing Tricks Elon Musk Has Used to Promote Dogecoin

Multi Billionaire Elon Musk continues to be the famous driving force of the Dogecoin crypto marketing campaign. The Dogearmy has even dubbed the coin as an Elon Musk cryptocurrency. Despite the dip in the coin’s market value, Musk’s dedication to seeing it navigate the competitive crypto marketplace is evident. The Tesla owner brags about a large online fanbase willing to try out some of his business recommendations. Such influence informs the current attention paid to DOGE crypto assets by investors. The following are strategies used by Musk to popularize the coin and contribute to its recent upwards trend: Owning Dogecoin Assets Elon Musk revealed that he owns Bitcoin, Ether, and DOGE as the only cryptocurrencies in his portfolio. The revelation is a strategy for promoting the coin since he is a renowned businessman who makes informed investment decisions. The idea of Elon Musk Dogecoin is to invest money in the projects, which indicates its capacity to reach the highest levels. Elon Musk Dogecoin price prediction is that DOGE has a higher potential than any other cryptocurrency in his portfolio. The sentiments help to foster trust in the coin further. Tweeting and Engaging in Online Conversations About DOGE Elon commands a large following of Twitter users who are willing to engage in different conversations all day long. First, his willingness to reply to and comment on tweets about the status of the crypto and its future p...

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