2022-06-24 23:00:38

Bitcoin May Not Reclaim All-Time High For Another Two Years, Binance CEO

Bitcoin has recovered above $20,000 but since then, there has not been any significant upward movement. This has led to speculations on whether the digital asset would be able to reclaim its all-time high in the near future. Binance CEO, Changpeng Zhao, has weighed in and shared his thoughts on this debate, and according to the CEO, such recovery should not be expected anytime soon. Another Couple Of Years For ATH In a recent report, the CEO of the world’s largest crypto exchange Binance has shared some rather bearish sentiments for the short-term for bitcoin. The digital asset which had touched $69,000 in November last year has been unable to recover to that point and Zhao has explained that such recovery will not be taking place anytime soon. Related Reading | Bitcoin Miner Liquidations Threaten Bitcoin’s Recovery The exchange founder said that after dropping so much from its all-time high, it would take some time for the market to see such prices again. “I think given this price drop, from the all-time high of 68k to 20k now, it will probably take a while to get back,” the CEO said. “It probably will take a few months or a couple of years.” However, it is not all grim given that the price today would have been highly welcomed four years ago, the founder said. An example is when bitcoin had reached its peak last cycle, almost touching $20,000. Investors had rejoiced at this price before the market had retraced into a be...

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