Seeking Alpha
2022-07-11 21:37:46

Digital Currencies: The Next Stage

The digital world is now entering the next stage, a stage of consolidation from what has recently been experienced.The digital world is restructuring, internally, as firms fail or firms weaken, and others, producing and with cash, move to acquire and consolidate what has already evolved.This consolidation is going to play a major role, one that investors can use the knowledge and information generated over the past five-to-ten years.The stage is part of the historical cycle industries go through as they grow and learn, generating more and more useful information to help make better and better decisions.The next stage in the evolution of digital currencies has apparently arrived.Consolidation.Paul Vigna writes in the Wall Street Journal:"A blowout in the cryptocurrency market sparked a wave of layoffs, punished valuations and drove some companies to bankruptcy.""Now firms that still have capital are gearing for a shopping spree."This is what happens in "new" markets."Crypto" went a long time where valuations stayed low and investors were sitting around, waiting for some kind of break out for the industry.Then it happened, with a lot of thanks to the Federal Reserve system.The Federal Reserve pumped lots and lots of money into the financial system.Valuations took off.From the twenty-teens when the total valuations for the industry remained under or around $1.0 trillion, valuations rose.By early November 2021, the total market va...

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