2022-01-08 04:18:59

Rainmaker Games Announces Its Native Token $RAIN Is Staking on Rainmaker Platform

$RAIN is the token behind Rainmaker Games, a platform dedicated to helping users all around the world engage in play-to-earn games in the most seamless way possible. 25 million rain tokens are currently sitting in the reserve. Those tokens are the ones that went unsold during the project’s fair token launch that took place via Copper Launch last month. That reserve is how users are going to get paid for staking their tokens and supporting the project. But just because it’s starting out with 25 million tokens, doesn’t mean it’s going to stay that way. The project might increase the amount of $RAIN tokens available and staking pools as tokens begin to vest and get unlocked through the Community Incentives reserve. Rainmaker Games is going to make it much easier for gamers to earn revenue while playing games and interacting with each other, and with staking now live, it’s going to reward even those that aren’t playing games but are clearly dedicated to supporting the platform. It’s time to learn more about the $RAIN token, how to stake $RAIN tokens, and what the potential payout is for users. The Two Staking Options That Put More $RAIN In User’s Wallets Rainmaker Games is giving users two simple ways to stake $RAIN tokens: single-side staking and liquidity pool (LP) staking. Earning $RAIN with Single-side Staking In single-side staking, users simply deposit $RAIN directly into the staking pool and earn rewards. The pool pays out ...

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