2022-08-04 08:36:12

Interview: Caduceus’ Co-Founder Tim Bullman on How They are Shaping the Future of Metaverse

With all the hype surrounding the Metaverse, the NewsBTC team caught up with Tim Bullman, the co-founder of Caduceus Foundation to learn more about their initiative. Caduceus is a blockchain dedicated to metaverse development, supporting developers and creators to build their own metaverse, NFT, GameFi and DeFi projects. Here are excerpts from our interview. Q: Can you please tell us more about your journey that led to Caduceus? Tim: After successfully launching UK’s first corporate crypto brokerage business, I met my other co-founders. We shared the same vision that the blockchain sector needs a trustworthy, robust ecosystem so the global audience can make a meaningful connection with such a new technology. We analyzed all the other blockchain features, pros and cons, and we found a unique angle where we can make a difference and provide a truly robust infrastructure for Web 3 developers. The future of the metaverse in the Web3 era world will have multiple chains that coexist. A true metaverse would connect all other virtual worlds and transfer personal information and currency between different ecosystems through protocols that span time, platforms and devices. This is also what Caduceus pursues and actively implements. At the current stage, Caduceus will use the underlying architecture to support different independent applications in the metaverse field. In the later stage, these applications will be integrated and connecte...

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