2022-01-08 14:40:52

Melania Trump Congratulates Bitcoin On 13th Anniversary Of Bitcoin Genesis Block

Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin investors spread to almost every sector and among different personalities. With the increase in the adoption of digital assets, most people are joining the investment train to reap enormous potential growth. Celebrities and government officials from both past and present governments globally are not left behind. The former US first lady, Melania Trump, just gave her congratulatory message to Bitcoin on its 13th birthday. A little after launching her personal ‘nonfungible token (NFT)’ in December 2021. Related Reading | Ripple Had Its Strongest Year Ever Despite The Sec’s “Attack On Crypto” Mrs. Trump released her message through Twitter on Monday to the world’s largest digital asset as it celebrates its 13th anniversary. The past first lady remarked on Bitcoin’s market cap, over $1 trillion in her message. Then, she wished the Bitcoin Genesis Block a happy celebration on its anniversary. Reactions To Former First Lady’s Bitcoin Applause Mrs. Trump’s tweet has received over 8,000 retweets and 30,000 likes in the press. Furthermore, the post has attracted reactions from the cryptocurrency community. This includes the likes of Anthony Pompliano, the Co-founder of Morgan Creek Digital. Pompliano envisaged that the former first lady is likely a Bitcoiner or connected with the BTC industry. From the CoinGecko records, BTC has a market cap of about ...

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