2022-08-31 07:06:05

Vitalik Buterin Launches His “Proof-of-Stake” Book

Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, just published a book based on his writings about the development of the blockchain network over the years. The tagline for the book PROOF of STAKE is “The making of Ethereum and the Philosophy of Blockchain.” "Proof of Stake", the (physical and digital) book compiling various writings I've made over the last ~10 years, will be out in a month! You can get a signed digital copy and NFT here: My share of the proceeds all goes to @gitcoin grants public goods! — vitalik.eth (@VitalikButerin) August 31, 2022 Ethereum to Switch to Proof-of-Stake (PoS) The book publication couldn’t have come at a better moment as the community waits for Ethereum to switch to PoS. The book will release on September 27, two weeks following the Ethereum Merge deadline. A compilation of Buterin’s essays on the development of Ethereum throughout the years is available in PROOF of STAKE: The Making of Ethereum and the Philosophy of Blockchain. The Vitalik Buterin Book The making of Ethereum and the Philosophy of Blockchain is a compilation of Buterin’s writings on Ethereum’s making over the years. Gitcoin said the reports would show Buterin “a bright and innovative writer.” Buterin announced the publication of the book in a tweet on Wednesday. On the Gitcoin platform, readers can purchase NFTs and digital copies with signatures. In the book’s summary, Buterin focused on creating an intern...

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