Seeking Alpha
2022-09-02 17:19:30

Key Backers And Catalysts Make Flow One To Watch

SummaryFlow is a blockchain designed for digital collectible minting and transacting.The core team behind the project is Dapper Labs; a company with large financial backing and strong partnerships.Recent news of an extended relationship with Ticketmaster opens the door for blockchain-based ticketing in the future.While the crypto market is already a very risky asset class in the world of financial investments, the further down you go on CoinMarketCap's token rankings the more likely you are to find outright scams and other coins that won't make it out of this bear cycle. After all, there are now nearly 21,000 tokens listed on CMC; they can't all be winners. In fact, very few coins that exist today will have staying power down the line. As investors in this space, we have to look for tokens that solve a problem, are scalable, or that have unique partnerships that can help facilitate adoption; great coins hit all three of these needs. I think Flow (FLOW-USD) could be one of those coins.What is Flow?Flow is a blockchain that aims to provide security and scalability at the base layer. While other smart contract chains, like Ethereum (ETH-USD), have well known scalability issues that necessitate secondary layers, Flow claims to be able to achieve scale and cost improvements at the base layer through the network's "four node architecture." The team behind Flow is Dapper Labs; the same company that launched CryptoKitties several year...

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