2022-09-09 19:43:16

Why The Ethereum Price Could Rally Above $1,800 Before A Big Crash

The Ethereum price is following Bitcoin as the two largest cryptocurrencies by market capitalization trend to the upside. The market is currently facing low timeframe resisting, but the general sentiment seems to have flipped bullish across the board. Related Reading: WATCH: Bitcoin Bottoms As Easy As Pi? | BTCUSD September 9, 2022 At the time of writing, Ethereum price trades at $1,700 with a 5% and 7% profit in the last 24 hours and 7 days, respectively. In the meantime, Bitcoin is outperforming with a 10% profit over the past trading session. The Ethereum Rally That Could Precede A Clash? As NewsBTC reported earlier, Bitcoin and the crypto market were coming in a major cluster of sell orders. Ask liquidity was trending upwards following the trajectory of the Ethereum price and other major cryptocurrencies. The current price action seems to be a clash between bullish and bearish forces with the former taking control for the first time in weeks. For low timeframes, data from Material Indicators (MI) shows a total of over $60 million in buy orders from the different investors class. However, the Ethereum price must remain above $1,6800 to maintain its current bullish momentum. In the coming week, the second crypto by market cap will go through a major event with “The Merge”. Below these levels, bid liquidity runs thin and could lead to retrace to previous support. The event that will complete Ethereum’s transition from a ...

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