Seeking Alpha
2022-09-19 17:42:05

2 Charts That Show Bitcoin Is In Trouble (Technical Analysis)

SummaryCharts show Bitcoin to be extremely cyclical from a calendarial perspective.We are at the end of the latest small cycle; BTC is soon to begin its last wave down.The odds of seeing $15,000 this year are high.2024 is the year of the "halvening" and that is the ETA for the next big Bitcoin rally.When you are a bear, everything looks bearish. You want to read bearish news; you want to talk bearishly. The market, however, doesn't care a wooden nickel. In the market, you are either right or wrong, and you can measure that in money. If there is some secret illuminate controlling everything, then your job is to predict it. If it is truly a random walk, then it is your job to measure the noise and make money from it. You win because you are right, you lose because you are wrong. That is the beauty of markets, and a lot of people hate them because of that.I don't want to fight the bulls or beat the Street, etc., in general, there is no "they" driving things, and narrative is normally valueless. Making money from markets is a job and like all jobs you need tools. Charts are important.Charts are meant to be useless because the future is not linked to the past. The past is clearly linked to the future as anyone who has worn their shirt for two days knows, but like it or not that connectivity is quite fragile, and you can make the argument that when that connection breaks you will lose all the money you made from when that connectivi...

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