2022-09-27 17:28:20

5 Tips for First-Time Cryptocurrency Entrepreneurs

Despite the bear dominance, global cryptocurrency adoption remains on the rise. This growth fuels the influx of new entrepreneurs coming to the crypto industry and looking for opportunities to launch their own innovative product. We asked those who already succeeded in the cryptocurrency-related businesses what newbies in the crypto market should keep in mind when starting their entrepreneurial path in this fast-evolving world. Love on your product and focus your efforts In technology, IT, and crypto, as in any other business, it’s essential to love what you do because it’s the only possibility to go all the way. Remember that the concept of digital money was created dozens of years before Bitcoin’s birth. However, only Bitcoin achieved public attention and adoption. “What matters is to create a product you would use yourself and be proud to recommend it to your friends without hesitation. You have to believe in yourself — don’t be afraid or to pay attention to haters, the environment, the weather, or any other turmoil,” Co-founder of TTM Group Vladislav Utushkin believes. He recalls the history of Ethereum creation when everyone in the crypto entourage said it was complicated, even impossible to implement, and that the project would not take off. Today, Ether is the world’s second most important and capitalized cryptocurrency. “Use a step-by-step strategy on your personal path, ...

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