2022-02-24 12:03:21

Southampton FC to Launch Bitcoin Hunt Competition With

English professional football club, Southampton Football Club has revealed its first-ever Bitcoin Hunt competition, in partnership with its main club partner,, a leading crypto sportsbook. Bitcoin Hunt Competition The Bitcoin Hunt officially launched on Wednesday 23rd February ahead of the Southampton vs. Norwich City match, offering participants the chance of winning a Bitcoin, whose value currently stands as $35,162 as of the time of this writing. The first round of the competition was to hunt for QR codes hidden across Southampton. The second round commences on March 14 where players will solve blockchain-style puzzle challenges about historical Southampton kits. Fans are expected to collect a total of 35,000 points in order to get a chance to reach the finals. The last round is planned for April 4 where players are required to search the football club’s social media accounts for a hidden Bitcoin including answering a few questions about the history of Southampton FC. Rewards Include One Bitcoin Three winning players from each round, together with a single-player picked at random, will go to the finals. However, only one of the ten players will win the grand prize of one Bitcoin. “We believe this is the first competition of its kind and the first time a football club has given fans the chance to win a Bitcoin. We hope that everyone will enjoy taking part in the innovative competition, which incorporates virtual...

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