Cryptocurrency donations to the Ukrainian government's digital wallet addresses on Monday have reached $22.2M, according to data analytics firm Elliptic. "Cryptoassets such as Bitcoin have emerged as an important alternative crowdfunding method," the report read. "They allow quick, cross-border donations, which bypass financial institutions that might be blocking payments to these groups." The donations, which are also sent to non-governmental organizations providing military assistance, have been pouring into Ukraine since Russia first started to invade the much smaller country. Since the onset of Russia's invasion, the Ukrainian government and NGOs have raised $22.2M through more than 23K crypto donations, Elliptic highlighted. The official Twitter account for Ukraine on Feb. 26 told its followers to "stand with the people of Ukraine. Now accepting cryptocurrency donations. Bitcoin, Ethereum and USDT." To date, the two addresses listed in the Tweet have received $14.8M across 18,561 transactions, Elliptic noted. Looking at crypto prices, bitcoin (BTC-USD