2022-03-21 13:12:05

This NFT Marketplace Is Breaking Barriers

NFTs seems to be an unstoppable force. The latest in the blockchain world, NFTs have grown from being traded at $100 million in 2020 to $23 billion in 2021. The 230x increase has got crypto investors searching high and low for quality NFT projects to support. Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs, are a way for the average consumer to authentically claim ownership rights over a digital asset. These assets can range from samples of an upcoming song by an artist, a piece of art, a tweet, or even the origins of the internet. A Peek Into The Elite Ecosystem Between all the emerging cryptocurrencies and NFT projects across the globe, Elite is a project that aims to stand out from the crowd. Developed through the integration of Telco, blockchain, metaverse, influencer communication and play 2 earn games, $ELITE is in a pursuit to provide a whole new experience to users. It combines the three most influential inventions of the 21st Century: smartphones, social media, and blockchain to deliver benefits to users, investors, and content creators alike. With the support to be traded on both centralized and decentralized exchanges, the token is based on the Polygon blockchain (an ETH-based layer 2 chain) as the most reliable and efficient solution for users’ needs. $ELITE is minted with a maximum supply of 4.4 billion. Currently, the $ELITE space includes entrepreneurs Sharon Fonseca and Gianluca Vacchi, YouTuber Anima, DJ-Model Andrea Damante and...

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