2022-03-26 21:00:40

Serum DEX: Backbone of Solana DeFi Ecosystem

The Serum is a protocol that delivers decentralized finance, exceptional speed and cheap transaction costs. It’s based on Solana and requires no permissions. Serum’s on-chain central limit order book allows ecosystem partners to exchange liquidity and enable market-based functionalities for institutional and retail customers. In particular, Serum’s on-chain central limit order book and matching engine provide traders and composing projects liquidity and price-time-priority matching. The flexibility to determine their trades’ price, size, and direction is a feature of this exchange mechanism for users. Serum’s existing architecture has bootstrapped liquidity, and matching services benefit the composing projects. Serum Features: Serum core Asset agnostic order book for matching any Solana-based trading product, including options, futures, borrow lending positions, and any other financial or non-financial instrument that can use Serum’s backend matching engine. True Composability Serum allows many applications and participants to share middleware in a single location. Thanks to the AOB’s design, Serum’s architecture is better suited to modularity. Serum-based programmes will offer more flexibility while still adhering to basic design rules like composability. Developer Services and Ecosystem Developers have complete control and freedom with the decentralized on-chain order matching tool that provides infrastructure for trading ap...

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