2022-03-27 17:05:49

How Blockchain is the Building Block of Web3.0?

Many people do not have a clear idea about web 3.0 and how it will affect technologies and our lives in the future. Web 3.0 is the next version of the internet that we will be interacting in the future with. When Web 1.0 came in the 90s, we had the basic functionality of sending e-mails to each other for communication and making an essential website. With Web 2.0 in the 2000s and still running, we were able to create a more interactive website, apps, and another animated interface that helped in better interaction with the user for collecting data. It also gave birth to social media, animated and responsive websites, and mobile applications. With web 3.0, we enter the Metaverse, which is the digital representation of our physical world. It uses the power of XR (Extended Reality), which includes Mixed Reality, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality. Devices such as Oculus Quest and other VR headsets provide you a real-life experience while interacting with games like you are physically present in it. Web 3.0 is all about enhanced connectivity and creating a digital version of your current physical life, where everything can be done in the Metaverse. It can be your business meeting, meeting your friends, playing games with them, working from a virtual office, etc. Possibilities with Web 3.0 are endless. What Role Does Blockchain Play in Web 3.0? When we talk about more interaction of users in the Web 3.0 Metaverse environment, i...

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