2022-04-11 10:23:17

RSK Is Transforming The Bitcoin Network Into A Go-To Destination For Stablecoins And DeFi

In recent years, stablecoins have become wildly popular throughout the crypto universe due to their inherent feature that safeguards investors from the volatility of the crypto market. They are used for various use cases and exist across different blockchain platforms. Until recently, stablecoins, decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and other similar smart contract-powered primitives weren’t available on the Bitcoin network. However, with the emergence of RSK, the first smart contract platform secured by the Bitcoin network, Bitcoin die-hards can now access the limitless opportunities in DeFi, including stablecoins, without needing to switch to another blockchain. Bitcoin (BTC) is currently considered the most liquid cryptocurrency in existence. It already has the largest market capitalization and the largest user community. Accordingly, by using BTC as collateral, stablecoins can leverage the inherent features of the Bitcoin blockchain, which include decentralization, censorship resistance, immutability, and unparalleled security. Additionally, with BTC as collateral, the counterparty risks associated with stablecoins can also be minimized to an extent. RSK: A Goliath In The Making RSK is one of the platforms that level the playing field for Bitcoin enthusiasts as open finance (OpFi) continues to grow. There was a significant increase in the number of users joining RSK’s smart contract ecosystem in...

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