2022-04-30 06:00:52

The One Solution That Could Eliminate NFT Fraud

An interview with REV3AL’s founders on building digital counterfeiting and copyrights fraud prevention tools. When it comes to the NFT industry, there’s hardly a single resolution to the industry-agnostic issues of digital fraud and counterfeiting. NFTs, digital IDs, copyright images and videos, and other forms of digital media can be easily duplicated and disseminated, making it tricky to find a solution to prevent different types of attacks. The REV3AL platform believes they have the all-in-one solution to prevent digital counterfeit and copyright fraud. Its solution aims to revolutionize interactions in the digital world and open new possibilities for different industries to leverage secure and safe digital assets ecosystems. “Effective fraud prevention is a door with multiple locks requiring different keys, passcodes, biometrics, and other access levels to penetrate,” says Adam Russell, Co-founder and Chief Revenue Officer at REV3AL technology. He explains that “most thieves might be able to pick a lock or crack a code, but they cannot do them all.” In 2021, the REV3AL founding team members first came together when they saw how the growing amount of counterfeits and scams limit the digital assets and NFT industry from reaching its enormous potential. “I agree with the experts that think NFTs are the adoption ramps to encourage the masses into blockchain technology,” says Mo Kumarsi, Co-founder and Chief Global Office at RE...

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