2022-05-04 19:30:36

The Next Evolution of the Sports World By The Metaverse

The Metaverse could become a key tool for sports teams in the coming years, enabling these entities to reach a worldwide audience. Those who participate in the Metaverse can expand their fan bases, generate new revenue streams, and secure their place in the digital world. For now, however, the Metaverse is a mere concept. So how do Sports and Metaverse connect? By developing virtual environments and incorporating them into the sports experience, teams can expand fans’ experiences at live games. A virtual stadium replica may be created, and the teams could sell NFT tickets for virtual tours. Manchester City, for example, has teamed up with Sony to create a virtual recreation of its Etihad Stadium. In addition, the Virtway platform has built a virtual camp Nou and created an interactive fan cave for the football team. Another example is the Shirtum company, which seeks the best sports talents to develop NFTs. Other possibilities include immersive games and VR experiences, and more. At-Home Fan Experience If the future is virtual, why not combine the best aspects of live games with the advantages of virtual experiences? A metaverse sports arena will allow fans to experience the game in a virtual environment, creating unique opportunities for merchandise and experiences tied to the broader fan experience. With a game streaming directly to your computer, you can zoom in on the action. The same technology makes it possible to view r...

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