2022-05-07 16:30:41

Stargate : Providing Seamless Bridging Experience

Stargate is the first protocol to create the first fully composable native asset bridge and the first LayerZero dApp. Stargate aims to make cross-chain liquidity transfer a single, smooth experience transaction. On Stargate, DeFi users can swap native assets cross-chain in a single transaction. Users can exchange USDC on Ethereum for USDT on BNB. At the application level, Stargate is used to create native cross-chain transactions. For instance, your favourite DEX can use Stargate to do one-transaction cross-chain swaps (for example, switching FTM for ETH in one transaction, all from your favourite DEX’s user interface). Stargate may be built using your favourite yield aggregator to deploy assets cross-chain, resulting in additional APY opportunities. The community-owned Stargate unified liquidity pools support these cross-chain swaps. The first bridge to answer the bridging trilemma is Stargate. Existing bridges do not have the following basic bridge features which Stargate provides to their users: Instant Finality: Users and applications may be confident that they will immediately arrive on the destination chain when they successfully commit a transaction on the source chain. Native Assets: Users and applications swap in native assets rather than wrapped ones, requiring multiple swaps and payments to obtain the desired object. Unified Liquidity: Users and applications who trust the bridge’s trustworthiness benefit from shared...

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